One evening a few weeks ago, we were sitting around talking after dinner. My oldest son's girlfriend, Jordan, shared this true story with us. It is amazing, some would call it a miracle.
Jordan's dad was 6 months old at the time and lived in a home with his mother, Becky and father, Bill, in a small town not far from Raleigh. One night Becky put her two small children to bed in their one-story home. They were awakened in the night, as a fire had broken out in the living room. Everyone escaped from the home safely.
The house and all the belongings in the home were burned up, except... The Bible, some jewelry and wet clothes left in the washer. The Bible was sitting on the bar which separated the kitchen and the living room. This was actually the location where the fire started. Also on this bar sitting next to The Bible were their wedding photos, which perished in the fire.
Jordan brought The Bible over last night to show me, and we relived the details of the fire. Grandma Becky wanted her to bring The Bible over for me to see. This is an amazing true story.
Matthew 24:35
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but MY words will by no means pass away."
The disciple Matthew, who was amazing with detail, and recorded the above verse. This verse is published in The Bible. Interestingly enough, I tried to mark out Grandma Becky's last name with the edit feature on my phone, and for the first time, the markings would not stay over her name. I was baffled, so I tried to mark out The Beatitudes on the inside cover opposite her name. The markings would not stay.
If you are not clear on heaven and earth passing away, I encourage you to learn more of the promises recorded in the Bible.