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7/12/24- Mind, Body & Spirit

Have you been encouraged to tend to your mind, body & spirit this week?

My hope is that you have received encouragement to take care of your complete self this week. When we are better, we can be there for others to encourage and love well. The call is to trust God’s plan, even when the plan doesn’t align with how we saw our lives going.

We are reminded that we are what we eat from the first day we are alive. Food is our catalyst to strengthen, restore and revitalize our bodies. If you have stomach pain while eating or after eating listen to this pain and seek counsel.

Unfortunately western medicine is not always about helping to heal. I have learned this first hand as I started early on in life, age 10, to experience stomach pain, nausea, and even a lifetime of bathroom visits due to upset stomach. Finally, I started seeing a Functional Medicine Doctor three years ago who determined that my pancreas is not secreting the enzymes necessary for adequate digestion of my food. I now take digestive enzyme supplements with my meals to aid this process of digestion. There is so much more that I have learned from Dr. Meredith that has helped my body feel more healthy on a daily basis. It’s not about the quantity of days we live, but the quality of life each day. Embrace this day.

The impact of a good night’s slumber can improve your quality of life as well. The mind can think and concentrate more easily. A rested and restored mind can allow us to focus on what is good and release or let go of extra baggage (things we can’t control).

Finally, exercising our body has such an impact on our entire being. Blood flowing throw our entire body as our heart pumps more rapidly to aid all our bodily processes as we move, heals and restores us. Our thoughts are more clear. Also, our moods can be elevated from exercise. It’s amazing how God incorporated these benefits of feel good hormones and endorphins, into our lives, just from moving our bodies.

The cherry or cookie on top of our Sundae”y” is the meditation on God’s word. Putting all of these above listed practices aside, if we do not meditate and exercise our spirit to align with God’s good graces, our daily focus is not goodness which enhances quality of life. God has given us free will in this lifetime, but He calls us to be disciplined to receive the quality of life He longs for us to achieve. These days are even more blessed when shared with Him and other loved ones.

Acts 1: 6- 8

6 “Then they gathered around him and asked him, ‘Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’

He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’”

My hope is that you will put all of these, blessings from above, into practice to attain the best desired quality of daily life. God longs for good quality of our days, both now and for eternity. Guess what, God’s words recorded in the Bible are still being shared…”to the ends of the earth.”

Happy Fri-yay!!


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