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7/24/24- Watch Where You Step

What ultimately guides your footing?

It is up to each and every one of us to carefully select where we place our feet as we walk through life each day. The challenge comes when we are presented with obstacles that make this task hindered. We all know it is much easier to navigate our pathways when we have light. Light guides us and allows us to see our path more clearly. However, our eyes are the light of our bodies, which reveal the scene for which we trodden.

One recollection of an extremely unpleasant footing placement was when I had young kids. My kids loved to play with legos. The worlds smallest toy which actually comes in all shapes and sizes and can spread out over an entire floor in seconds. We had sung the clean up song, and my kids were placing, more like slamming, the legos back into their box which kept them tidy. I was walking in what I perceived to be a safe distance from the area of play, when deep from the bottom of my foot shot a bloody pain that made me yelp with gusto. One of my struggles is controlling my tongue and not cursing. At that moment, I'm sure I was holding back many unpleasant words. Obviously, I had not been looking closely enough to where I was walking, which resulted in this painful endeuver.

One thing is for certain, when you step on a lego, you never forget the discomfort that accompanies the experience. This painful memory encourages you to make all efforts to never experience it again. As you walk through a sea of legos, you make sure to look extremely closely at what lies ahead, as you chose your footing. There lies another good life lesson, don’t look too far ahead of where you plan on going. It’s important to stay the course in life and live one day at a time.

This is a wonderful example that we should all apply to our own lives on a daily basis. Firstly, we should all clean up our messes. Secondly, we should look closely at the surrounding areas to make sure every last piece is safely stored away. And lastly, we should slow down and rejoice that we have been able to clean up our own mess, and that we won't experience such extreme pain due to a misstep that we have learned from and want to steer clear from reoccurrence.

Matthew 7: 26- 27

"But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine,

and does not do them,

will be like a foolish man

who built his house on the sand:

and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew

and beat on that house;

and it fell.

And great was its fall."


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