Where do you draw your light from on a daily basis?
Light guides us throughout our days. Light also helps us to see goodness and avoid painful things. These are both true. However, we absorb or welcome images into our minds and bodies through our eyes. This is why it is so important to filter what we allow ourselves to see.
Starting each day with God’s word, whether through verse or reading the Bible is a good way to start off each day on the right foot. We can take in His word through our eyes and process all we have been gifted. God’s word is full of love, encouragement, and reminders of how we are to walk so that we are filled with light. The light allows us to see the goodness that surrounds us.
Most of what this world has to offer is not filled with light, but darkness. Simply turning on the t.v. these days can force a very unwelcomed image into our mind and body. The news is full of violent content. Most shows available through streaming are also filled with darkness.
The phones that most everyone carries on their bodies, even many young bodies and minds, are influencing us in unhealthy ways. Scrolling through social media or listening to podcasts can suck us in and get us off track in an instant. This is one of my biggest challenges with the phone. There is entirely too much content on them. Items we need to access throughout the day are also on our phone. However, the lure of distractions can easily pull us away from what we initially set out to accomplish on this small device we can hold in our hands.
Below are some good practices that we all need to attempt to reincorporate into our daily lives. These are practices which also fill us with light. Engulfing ourselves with nature and enjoying the sunshine or moon gaze, and reflective stars, and planets is a healthy way to fill ourselves with light. Other healthy ways to fill our minds and bodies with goodness include: surrounding ourselves with trees, submerging in water, walking on sand or through the woods, and watching a sunrise or sunset.
God created a beautiful natural setting for our pleasure and restoration. Taking walks outside, sitting and communing with others, and working with others on projects can all fill us with positive light and goodness. All of these acts help us to recharge and filter out the darkness that wants to put out our light. We all must chose to be strong and keep focused on the light and goodness in order to bless our days and others with our lives.
Matthew 6: 22- 23
"The lamp of the body is the eye.
If therefore your eye is good,
your whole body will be full of light.
But if your eye is bad,
your whole body will be full of darkness.
If therefore the light
that is in you is darkness,
how great is that darkness!"