What does the U.S. flag represent?
A group of us had a brain storming session yesterday while sitting in the ocean, literally. We threw out ideas for what we think of associated with the flag. Freedom seems most often to be top of mind and the first word thrown out.
After diving deeper into the flag, one person elaborated that the flag represents the 13 colonies with the 13 stripes and the 50 states with the 50 stars. This ultimately represents all the individuals that reside in these 50 states, and all those who came before us. Therefore, all Americans compile the symbolism of what the U.S. Flag represents.
Betsy Ross was the woman who stitched together the first flag. The flag for the United States of America represents all of the people who reside in this great country. The flag is the symbol of freedom is synonymous with independence which we celebrate today, July 4, 2024.
The citizens of the U.S. are free in so many regards. We are unrestricted from boundaries within this great country. We have the freedom to walk into a store and purchase what we want or need. We are free to choose what we do with our time.
The ability to have free choice was what God gifted all humans. In the garden, Adam and Eve had the freedom to eat from any tree in the garden except one, The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The evil one tempted Eve with wisdom to know what God knows. This includes all things good and all things evil. As my cousin pointed out to me last week, the devil was the first to influence or advertise this forbidden fruit to Eve, and then Eve to Adam. Influencing others with bad intentions can rob all of us of our freedom and peace of mind. The freedom of choice must remain top of mind for all the individuals that the flag represents.
Deuteronomy 30: 19- 20
“I call heaven and earth to witness
against you today,
that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse.
So choose life in order that you may live,
you and your descendants,
by loving the Lord your God,
by obeying His voice,
and by holding fast to Him;
for this is your life and the length
of your days,
that you may live in the land
which the Lord swore to your fathers,
to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
to give them.”