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7/5/24- Connections

What do you think fulfills humans most in this life?

Many of us gathered with family and friends yesterday to celebrate this great country we live in. We celebrated our continued independence. There was lots of joy as many united to play, to eat, and to connect with others.

This is a great time to reflect on the many blessed connections we have made with others. We are initially linked to a family, and hopefully we are blessed with friendship bonds. The fact that God made woman for man in the beginning is a true indicator that God knew we needed connection with others to thrive and have a blessed life. We are called to love others, just as God loves all of His children. It’s a good daily practice to count your blessings.

The United States was established by a group of driven individuals who trusted in God to keep them safe on their journey across the ocean and to survive long winters and establish a livelihood in a new world. These first settlers strived to survive, as did the generations that followed. Eventually, this was followed with independence from England.

I’m going to wrap up this blog quickly, as I’ve been connecting with loved ones all day today. Currently, all I can think about is the peach ice cream we’ve collectively made from scratch, goodness at it’s finest. Signing off with this reminder from the apostle Paul, who wrote to believers in Colossae. He longed to connect with other believers while he wrote of God’s goodness from prison.

Go share the goodness today…Fri-Yay!

Colossians 2: 5

“For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless

I am with you in spirit,

rejoicing to see

your good discipline

and the stability

of your faith in Christ.”


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