Where is your focus?
The world and human nature can guide all of us. We tend to focus on the things that don’t really matter. This is NOT how God initially intended for us to live. Remember in the garden, Adam and Eve did not know they were naked until they ate from the fruit of the tree that God forbid them to eat from. They were rid of the pressures of worrying about appearance, self- insecurities, and the fear of judgement by others.
When we join God again, we will not desire to focus on our appearance, our status, or our achievements. These human characteristics will hopefully return to how humans were intended to live in the garden, at peace, and free from judgement. We will return to the peace that God intended for us to have throughout our days, while we are close to Him.
The challenge is living in this world, walking with God, and learning to control and keep in check the human nature we all possess. Many of us want to please others and ourselves. Humans long to look the part, act the part, and receive fulfillment or satisfaction. The focus should not be on self, but on portraying that feeling of love and belonging that God has always longed to give each and every one of us.
At our family reunion this past weekend, I prepared prior to leaving to try and present myself as pulled together. My focus was not on what God would want me to focus on with others whom He loves. Three days of my week prior to leaving were filled with stomach issues that left me drained and in bed much of the day. That was not enough to keep me from wanting to appear physically well. Low and behold, poison oak broke out in the most visible areas, my neck and face. So much for trying to control how I look physically. God had to literally point out to me that my focus should be on others and to stop focusing on physical limitations, outward appearance, and myself. Our presence and love is what matters when we are with loved ones.
This suffering from having an itch that I should not scratch, has grabbed my attention. After seeking Doctor's asistance with a steroid shot, steroid eye drops and some creams, I have had to remain patient and diligent to avoid scratching. I no longer have been in a place consumed with how I appear, but more so trying to endure the physical challenges and strong desires to no longer feel the need to scratch. My focus has been the strong desire to return to peace within my own body and mind. Suffering does play a roll in guiding us back to God's call for us to serve Him and to turn from our humanly desires of the flesh, and how we connect with others.
Today is a great day to reset and refocus. Every single day is an opportunity to spend time in prayer and read God's word. If we fail to do these things, we will continue to feel the pull of the world and our focus will be misguided toward things that don't really matter in the long run. He longs for us to walk with Him in peace.
Galatians 5: 22- 26
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self- control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another."