Do you find the start of something new full of excitement?
As humans, we have an intuition that longs for thrills and excitement. Trying new things can be both intimidating and exhilarating. Some individuals become what we have labeled as thrill seekers, longing for that rush of excitement that ignites and fulfills that desire to feel alive.
The reality is we have to learn to ride the wave and endure and persevere. Life is not going to be a constant rush of excitement. The rush from that thrill helps us to start something new. However, God has designed this to aid us in the pursuit. He knows that we will get bored with the day in and day out schedules and responsibilities of our lives. Yet, He calls us to persevere and rely on Him. His call is for disciple and faith in our daily walks.
The thrill of pursuing my husband, was a long process for me. I understand that it was important for this pursuit to take time and set up, so that he and I would be able to endure and remain faithful, and walk in partnership throughout our lives together. God already had a hold on both of us before we were joined.
My husband and I met when we were 18 years old. He kissed me at the beginning of freshman year in college after a walk from “uptown” and through campus to return me safely to my dorm, following an evening out with friends. I was not in the same place as him in terms of feelings. A year later, I did start to feel reciprocal feelings toward him. However, different opportunities presented themselves to both of us for the next year and a half. He expressed interest in me again the end of junior year of college. Although at the time I was dating someone else. Finally, at the start of our senior year, I was determined to make it known to him that I had developed feelings for him. It wasn’t until December of our senior year, that we finally were on the same page. This began the exciting time of getting to know each other and falling in love. This is all the fun and very memorable times.
These reminders of newness make me reflect on when Jesus was starting out with His disciplines. He quickly was adding to the numbers of individuals who wanted to follow Him. The number of people who wanted to see Him speak was increasing every day. And this was a time with no social media, no texting, no cell phones. Everything was word of mouth. Yet, the good news of miracles and what Jesus was preaching and sharing with these large crowds was spreading for miles and miles. People longed to reach Him. Especially those who suffered with afflictions and longed for healing.
We still hear these stories about Jesus that have been passed down through generations. The countless miracles that He performed, and parables that He spoke, while He was alive are recorded in the Bible by Jesus’ followers. The stories are also recorded in children’s books. Preachers still tell these stories in church or at home with their families.
All of these accounts recorded from Jesus’ life require extreme FAITH especially some 2000 years after they occurred.
1 Corinthians 15: 14
“And if Christ
has NOT been raised,
our preaching is useless
and so is
your faith.“