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9/13/24- Friday the 13th Yay!

Are you superstitious?

To be honest, Friday the 13th used to freak me out a bit. It was not until I adopted a new outlook about Friday the 13th that differed from what the world established as a day to fear that I have been ok with Friday the 13th. In my mind and verbally, I actually had to believe that Friday the 13th is a day of goodness.

There are only 4 to 5 Fridays in a month with very few Fridays falling on the 13th, but why forfeit a fun Friday to fear? Friday is a day to look forward to, no matter what the date. All this is fine and good until you see a black cat walk in front of you or some other superstitious event transpires that alerts “fear” in your mind. Needless to say, this still requires a re-set of mindset for good intentions to follow the rest of the day.

Another famous Friday is Good Friday. The Friday when Jesus succumbed to death on the cross after being crucified. The good that came from Christ’s death is that through His death He redeemed every human being's sins. There are many references as to why it is called Good Friday. The medieval explanation seems the most applicable for most with good meaning “holy,” Holy Friday translated to Good Friday.

Good Friday has been celebrated and marked as a holiday for over 2000 years. It hasn't been until recently, meaning the past 20 years or so, that schools and places of business have started to remove this day from the calendar as a day of recognition or a holiday.

This is another example of our world, especially the U.S. trying to please people with different views as Christians. However, Christians have walked the Earth since the time of Jesus. Christians' beliefs are valid and should be recognized and honored as much as the next. The basis of our calendar that we follow as a society is set to the actual event of Christ’s death, after all. This fact in and of itself, should alert individuals to consider the truth of all that is written, recorded, and circulated in The Bible; (The best-selling book that has the most copies sold to date, at approximately 5 billion copies).

2 Timothy 3: 16- 17

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.“


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