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9/19/24- Trust with All Your Heart

How hard is it for you to trust that all will work out for good?

Ultimately, who is steering the ship? Can you imagine what someone from 2000 years ago would think if they saw this ship floating out at sea? Do you think Peter, Paul or John would have believed that this ship could sail across the ocean? Do you think Peter would have trusted that he could walk on water if he just trusted Jesus whom he watching walk on water toward him with his own eyes? To be honest, when I took this picture this past Sunday, my mind was blown with the fact that all these things are possible. This ship made of sheer steel floats and sails across the ocean with tons and tons of cargo loaded on board.

There are so many factors in life that we hope and desire to work a certain way, yet the outcome can be out of our hands. Especially as a parent, the ability to trust that all the instruction, teaching, and emulating you have provided your children will actually be practiced when they leave the home. Not only do we hope that our children will walk the best path and stay safe, we want them to live rich and full lives. However, we have to trust and let them steer their own ships. Trust is not just limited to our children's lives. Most of the things we desire to work for our good in life, requires trust and a strong faith. Each one of us must have the ability to believe that good will come out of something that we are not sure how it will work out. We are required to have faith and trust. The alternative option is to live in turmoil and with worry and a disregard that God can do all things.

Sometimes the idea of trying to establish a next move in life can leave any one of us feeling anxious about whether we will end up in the right place. Pressures of buying anything these days can involve a lot of pressure, simply because that is the way of this world. Pressure to buy and pressure to sell are a part of our culture and the democratic way. The ability to stay focused on God's plan and trust that He already has our stories written should provide comfort.

Receiving a diagnosis with a poor outcome, such as cancer, MS, ALS, diabetes, and so many other health diseases will change your life path in a direction that you had no idea you would face. True suffering often follows after hearing one of these diagnosis from a medical professional. Suffering along with heavy sadness accompany what we try to control as humans, with our strong desire to keep planning and trying to control our own lives.

Will we ever learn that we do not steer the ship in our lifetime? Taking this leap requires unwaivering faith and trust in God . After having suffered with a health issue that presents itself in a unique way from day to day, I can say that suffering has allowed me to lean on God in a way that I never knew I would or could. Praising God on the daily, as my normal silent talk is something I find myself almost unconsciously reciting.

When what we have to trust in is outside of our person and involves someone we love, that is when the true test comes to pass. Truly remembering that God is in control and is walking with your loved one, even if they believe that God is with them, is such a challenge for me. We all want our loved ones to be healthy, safe, successful and happy, all while remembering that they are a child of God. Honoring God can be pushed to the back burner so quickly when life is moving along smoothly and when we are in a good place, especially when we are young. The true test that actually steers the ship in the right direction is to continue to honor, worship and thank God in those good times.

I've often found myself saying, "Less is More." Life can feel heavy the more we put on our plates or welcome into our homes, garages or attics. Life then steers us off course and our focus can be misdirected. This makes me think back to the time when Jesus walked this earth. So much time was spent walking and hoping that the wind would propel them to where they wanted to go. The trust required in that time almost was simplified to the absolute necessities that individuals longed to receive every single day.

After the Jews escaped slavery in Egypt, they found themselves in the desert wondering where their daily bread would come from. Think about it, you are in the desert. There are no animals around. There is limited water, and plants are not visible in any direction. Yet, God provided for His people every day with just the right amount of Manna, unleavened bread, for everyone in each family. Unlike this day and age when most households in our country have food that goes to waste every day, and leaky faucets that waste water, and transportation to take us whereever we direct our GPS to take us. We push our limits of trust and discount that God has provided and met our needs. He will meet all our needs and allow us to let go of all the extra weight we try to carry.

Times have changed and yet, we still find ourselves lacking faith to trust and focus on all the essentials we have accessible to us. These essentials that we take for granted. Just like the Jews realized that they had also taken so much for granted, during their time in Egypt. Even though they were slaves, their needs were met by their masters.

Humans are flawed and sinful creatures, and God knew this from the beginning. That is why He had planned from the beginning to send His Son to redeem us and allow us to be united with Him again. This requires trust above and beyond all else, to believe in a God that we cannot see or touch. However, when we do establish that trust and believe that He is with us, and we are not alone, life is as rich as we could ever imagine.

The challenge I hope all of us will accept this week is to TRUST and keep the FAITH. Trust in God, trust in His promise, trust in His almighty grace, mercy and power; to enrich each and every one of us in our daily walk. All the while we must remember to put one foot in front of the other with unwaivering trust in His power and abundant love. He is steering the ship, don't lose faith.

Proverbs 3: 5- 6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."


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