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9/30/24- Love One Another

Why do bad things happen?

After a weekend of serious flooding in the mountains of NC and TN, who could have imagined that a hurricane would cause more damage in the mountains than at the beach? Our God is a Mighty God. He is slow to anger and is a God of love. However, anger is a natural emotion that we are to control, and yet anger results to grab attention and evoke change in individuals and societies.

Human nature is to look out for self. This is not what we are called to do. God wants us to "love one another." He also wants us to follow His commandments, not seek pleasure for ourselves. He longs for us to have a life of peace, love and meaningful relationships.

As they say, history repeats itself. We sure are stubborn and don't learn easily from past mistakes. However, many mistakes made by past generations have been recorded for us to learn from them. Lessons are not learned if we do not study God's word in the Bible.

Sodom and Gommorah was the big lesson highlighted centuries ago. The sin that was emphasized was physical, sexual pleasure, and attachment to material items which led to the destruction of these societies because God had had enough.

Everyone has probably heard of Noah. Noah was disciplined and did what His God told him to do, despite all of his friends and neighbors thinking he was crazy. Thankfully Noah obeyed, or none of us would be here today. God has a way of getting His point across. We must heed the warnings and remain disciplined.

After such a destructive weekend with homes washed away, towns and businesses, bridges, and lives lost, communities are forced to work togeher to rebuild and care for one another. So many people are without power or lost power for days. My parents were stuck in the mountains with their bridge impassable. The trees and debris that had washed downstream and become intertwined with the bridge did not allow the water to flow freely and therefore the water was washing over the bridge. The neighbors all gathered together to start to clear what they could. As they were working, two men who were driving along Railroad Grade Road stopped and offered to help. They had two chainsaws and knew how to use them. What would have taken days to clear was cleared in a couple hours because of these two men and neighbors who pulled together.

Most humans do have an innate sense of compassion for others who have suffered devastation and a desire to help others in need. The outcome of these destructive events tend to bring to the forefront empathy and self- sacrifice to meet others needs. We in turn, "love one another."

There is always a way for God to bring us back to the underlying commandment that He has been laid out from the beginning for all of us to “love one another” and “Love God.”

The goal for humankind should be to stay disciplined and "love one another," without letting that slow to anger God reach His breaking point. We all have a breaking point that will force us to change. Thankfully we also have the ability to love and connect with others. And we have a merciful God.

Romans 13: 8- 10

Love Fulfills the Law

” Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and

whatever other command there may be,

are summed up in this one command:

Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”


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