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9/6/24- Bible Study

Have you studied the Bible with guidance from others?

Only so much of what we share with others will be received. We are commanded by God to tell the truth. However, each individual hears and perceives stories and circumstances from a different perspective.

The Bible gives account to God through His word which He delivered through men, including His Son’s spoken word, which was of God. Men who have walked, alongside Jesus, on this very land along the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Galilee (pictured above) recorded His spoken word and documented stories they witnessed.

We are studying the book of John in Bible Study this year. It is only the first lesson and already my eyes have been opened and my mind has been wrapping around the truth of Jesus that John witnessed first hand. Each one of his accounts that have been written, that I have read thus far, John witnessed. He recorded words that were spoke by Jesus, the Son of God.

Jesus spoke truths and did not sugar coat anything. He knew that we all must have another to bear witness to His remarkable truths. People have a hard time believing unbelievable stories. Therefore, John was sent at the same time as Jesus, to bear witness to the truth that Jesus was the Christ, and Son of God. John witnessed, along with others present, a Spirit descend from heaven, “and He remained on Him”(Jesus). “Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. And I have seen and testify that this is the Son of God.”

John 1: 32 -34 ~God acknowledged in front of a crowd, and John, that Jesus was His Son.

It is hard to conceptualize all that comes from God. God is out of our realm of understanding. This is why He called us to live by faith, and He emphasized trust in the Lord. Just as John saw the Spirit descend on Jesus from heaven, when we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, we too receive His Spirit. This is our rebirth. We are not to lean on our own understanding, but on God.

Jesus was not sent to earth to receive honor from man. He was sent out of selfless sacrifice and out of love from God the Father. Jesus was sent to us to seek the will of our Father. Jesus did not judge others as humans did in His time. He still does not judge others the way humans judge.

Witnesses recorded evidence of Jesus speaking to sinners, dining with tax collectors and performing miracles on the Sabbath. This truth should reassure each and every one of us who Believe. “For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgments to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father.” John 5: 22- 23 ~ God recognizes all humans from a loving perspective. No human is better than another.

Many who heard Jesus speak and witnessed His miracles believed that He was the Son of God that was promised through Moses. Although many of the Jews who witnessed and were in position’s of power, did not believe. Our egos as humans, are faulty, and will ultimately lead us to fulfill our own desires.

The first story of human nature leading us astray is recorded in the Bible. This story, set in the garden, when Eve was first to pick self over love and obedience of God. She ate the forbidden fruit after giving into temptation to be more like God.

This should be a lesson for us to remain obedient and walk with love as our main objective in our lives. Yet, so many humans still chose to walk with disbelief, still seeking to gain more knowledge to better them selves. Jesus never sought His own will, but that of the Father. Yet He was condemned to death by man.

John 5: 30

“As I hear, I judge;

and My judgment is righteous,

because I do not seek My own will

but the will of the Father

who sent Me.”


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